16.-18.03.2014 Africa Days 2014 in Berlin The report on the BMBF conference "Africa Days 2014" with Horst Köhler as key note has been released. More than 700 researcher from inter alia GlobE came together to discuss current research issues. http://www.internationales-buero.de/_media/BMBF_Africa_Days_16-18_March_2014_barrierefrei.pdf
16.-18.03.2014 Africa Days 2014 in Berlin The report on the BMBF conference "Africa Days 2014" with Horst Köhler as key note has been released. More than 700 researcher from inter alia GlobE came together to discuss current research issues. http://www.internationales-buero.de/_media/BMBF_Africa_Days_16-18_March_2014_barrierefrei.pdf
Trans-SEC is sponsored by BMBF and co-financed by BMZ COOPERATIONS Globe Projects Hortinlea and Trans-SEC cooperation Exchange & Partners Wami/Ruvu Basin Water Office MORE