Peer reviewed papers published/accepted/in press
Publications of the year 2014
- Below, T., Sieber, S., Schmid, J., 2014. Farmers’ knowledge and perception of climatic risks and options for climate change adaptation: a case study from two Tanzanian villages. Regional Environmental Change, online first, Springer.
- Graef, F., Sieber, S., et al., 2014. Framework for participatory food security research in traditional food value chains, Global Food Security 02/2014; Vol. 3(1):8–15, Elsevier.
- Hoffmann, H., Uckert, G., Sieber, S., Graef, F., 2014. The effects of local biofuel production for rural electrification on development and food security. A case study of vegetable oil production and consumption in Laela, Western Tanzania, Regional Environmental Change, 10. April 2015, Springer.
- Hoffmann, H., Uckert, G., Sieber, S., Graef, F., Reif, C., 2014. Traditional biomass consumption, the introduction of efficient stoves and its effects on Miombo forest: A case study from Western Tanzania, Regional Environmental Change, Springer.
- Ndah, Hycent, T., Schuler, J., Uthes, S., Zander, P., ;Traore, K., Mphatso-S, G., Nyagumbo, I., Triomphe, B., Corbeels, M., 2014. Adoption potential of Conservation Agriculture practices in Sub-Saharan Africa: results from five case studies, Environmental Management, March 2014, Volume 53, Issue 3, pp 620-635, Elsevier.
Publications of the year 2015
- Graef F, Schneider I, Fasse A et al. 2015. Assessment of upgrading strategies to improve regional food security in Tanzania: Natural resource management and crop production. Outlook on Agriculture 44, No 3, 159-167.
- Graef, F., Schneider, I., Fasse, A. et al. 2015: Assessment of upgrading strategies to improve regional food security in Tanzania: Food processing, waste management and bioenergy, and income generation, Outlook on Agriculture 45, accepted.
- Mutabazi, K., Amjath Babu, Sieber, S., 2015. Influence of livelihood resources on adaptive strategies to enhance climatic resilience of farm households in Morogoro, Tanzania: an indicator-based analysis, Regional Environmental Change, online first, Springer.
- Mutabazi, K., Sieber, S., Maeda, C., Tscherning, K., 2015. Assessing the determinants of poverty and vulnerability of smallholder farmers in a changing climate: the case of Morogoro region, Tanzania, Regional Environmental Change., online first, Springer.
- Mwinuka, L., Schneider, I., Maeda, C., et al. (2015). Comparing stakeholder views for mutual acceptable food value chain upgrading strategies in Tanzania. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(12), 1376-1385.
- Reif, C., Graef, F., Dietrich, O., Lana, M., Helming, K., Gutzler, C., Sieber, S., 2015. Combining analytical methods and framework scenarios for assessing food security across the food value chain, Outlook on Agriculture 44 No 1 .
- Schäfer, M.P., Dietrich, O., Mbilinyi, B., 2015. Streamflow and lake water level changes and their attributed causes in Eastern and Southern Africa: a review. International Journal of Water Resources Development (accepted).
- Schindler, J. Graef, F, König, H, 2015: A critical examination of sustainability impact assessment methods of farming interventions in developing countries: A Review. Agronomy for Sust. Development 35 (3): 1043-1057.
- Sieber, S., Graef, F., Tscherning, K., Uckert, G., 2015. Food security in the context of climate change and bioenergy production in Tanzania: methods, tools and applications, Regional Environmental Change, Special issue, online first, Springer.
- 10. Sieber, S., Jha, S., Amjath, B., Bringe, F., Crewett, W., Uckert, G., Polreich, S., Hycenth Ndah, T., Graef, F., Mueller, K., 2015. Integrated assessment of sustainable agricultural practices to enhance
Publications of the year 2016
- Graef, F., Uckert, G. 2016: Male and female scientists differ in their suitability assessments of food-securing upgrading strategies. Int. J. of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 12, (3): 305-326.
- Lutengano Mwinuka, Khamaldin Daud Mutabazi, Jeremia Makindara & Stefan Sieber (2016): Reckoning the risks and rewards of fertilizer micro-dosing in a subhumid farming system in Tanzania, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, DOI: 10.1080/20421338.2016.1257537.
- Mbwana, H.A., Kinabo, J., Lambert, C. and Biesalski, H.K. (2016). Determinants of household dietary practices in rural Tanzania: Implications for nutrition interventions. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2: 1224046
- Schindler, J., Graef, F., König, H. J. (2016) Participatory impact assessment: Bridging the gap between scientists' theory and farmers' practice. Agricultural Systems 148, 38-43.
- Schindler, J., Graef, F., König, H. J., Mchau, D., Saidia, P., Sieber, S. (2016) Sustainability impact assessment to improve food security of smallholders in Tanzania. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 60, 52-63.
Publications of the year 2017
- Bonatti, M., Homem, L. H. I. R., Graef, F., Mbwana, H. A., Rybak, C., Lana, M., Sieber, S. (2017): Social organization, constraints and opportunities for kitchen garden implementation: ScalA and ScalA-FS assessment tools in Morogoro and Dodoma, Tanzania. Food Security 9, 6, 1299-1308
- Bonatti, M., Schlindwein, I. L., Lana, M., Bundala, N., Sieber, S., Rybak, C. (2017): Innovative educational tools development for food security: Engaging community voices in Tanzania. Futures.
- Graef, F., Uckert, G., Schindler, J., König, H. J., Mbwana, H. A., Fasse, A., Mwinuka, L., Mahoo, H., Kaburire, L. N., Saidia, P., Yustas, Y. M., Silayo, V., Makoko, B., Kissoly, L., Lambert, C., Kimaro, A., Sieber, S., Hoffmann, H., Kahimba, F. C., Mutabazi, K. D. (2017): Expert-based ex-ante assessments of potential social, ecological, and economic impacts of upgrading strategies for improving food security in rural Tanzania using the ScalA-FS approach. Food Security 9, 6, 1255-1270.
- Hafner, J., Uckert, G., Graef, F., Hoffmann, H., Kimaro, A. A., Sererya, O., Sieber, S. (2017): A quantitative performance assessment of Improved Cooking Stoves and traditional three-stone-fire stoves using a two-pot test design in Chamwino, Dodoma Tanzania. Environmental Research Letters.
- Herrmann, Raoul (2017) Large-scale agricultural investments and smallholder welfare: a comparison of wage labor and outgrower channels in Tanzania. World Development 90 (February), 294-310.
- Hoffmann, H., Sander, K., Brüntrup, M., Sieber, S. (2017): Applying the Water-Energy-Food nexus to the charcoal value chain. Frontiers in Environmental Science 5, Article 84.
- Kissoly, L., Faße, A., and Grote, U. (2017). The integration of smallholders in agricultural value chain activities and food security: evidence from rural Tanzania. Food Sec. 9:1219-1235.
- König, H. J., Graef, F., Schindler, J., Fasse, A., Mutabazi, K. D., Lambert, C., Ngwenya, P., Uckert, G., Mahoo, H., Hattermann, F. F., Sieber, S. (2017): Combining participatory, qualitative and quantitative methods for impact assessment of food value chains into an integrated framework. Food Security 9, 6, 1309-1321.
- Löhr, K., Graef, F., Bonatti, M., Mahoo, H. F., Wambura, J., Sieber, S. (2017): Conflict management systems for large scientific research projects. International Journal of Conflict Management 28, 3, 322-345.
- Löhr, K., Hochmuth, C., Graef, F., Wambura, J., Sieber, S. (2017): Conflict management programs in trans-disciplinary research projects: the case of a food security project in Tanzania. Food Security 9, 6, 1189-1201
- Löhr, K., Weinhardt, M., Graef, F., Sieber, S. (2017): Enhancing communication and collaboration in collaborative projects through conflict prevention and management systems. Organizational Dynamics.
- Lutengano Mwinuka, Khamaldin Daud Mutabazi, Stefan Sieber & Jeremia Makindara (2017): An economic risk analysis of fertiliser microdosing and rainwater harvesting in a semi-arid farming system in Tanzania, Agrekon, DOI: 10.1080/03031853.2017.1343154
- Mbwana, H. A., Kinabo, J., Lambert, C and Biesalski, H.K. (2017). Factors influencing stunting among children in rural Tanzania: An agro-climatic zone perspective. Springer Journal of Food Security, 1-15, DOI: 10.1007/s12571-017-0672-4
- Mbwana, H. A., Lambert, C., Kinabo, J., & Biesalski, H. K. (2017). Nutrient intake of women of child bearing age from two agro ecological zones in rural areas of Morogoro and Dodoma regions in Tanzania. (Submitted to the Journal of Nutrients).
- Mnimbo, T. S., Lyimo-Macha, J., Urassa, J. K., Mahoo, H. F., Tumbo, S. D., Graef, F. (2017): Influence of gender on roles, choices of crop types and value chain upgrading strategies in semi-arid and sub-humid Tanzania. Food Security 9, 6, 1173-1187.
- Mnimbo, T. S., Lyimo-Macha, J., Urassa, J., Graef, F. (2017): Gendered impact assessment on food securing upgrading strategies: results from three methodological approaches. Developing Country Studies 7, 2, 94-112.
- Mwinuka, L., Mutabazi, K. D., Graef, F., Sieber, S., Makindara, J., Kimaro, A., Uckert, G. (2017): Simulated willingness of farmers to adopt fertilizer micro-dosing and rainwater harvesting technologies in semi-arid and sub-humid farming systems in Tanzania. Food Security 9, 6, 1237-1253.
- Mwinuka, L., Mutabazi, K. D., Sieber, S., Makindara, J., Bizimana, J.-C. (2017): An economic risk analysis of fertiliser microdosing and rainwater harvesting in a semi-arid farming system in Tanzania. Agrekon 56, 3, 274-289.
- Reinhardt, N., Herrmann, L. (2017): Fusion of indigenous knowledge and gamma-ray spectrometry for soil mapping to support knowledge-based extension in Tanzania. Food Sec. 9, 1271–1284.
- Schindler, J., Graef, F., König, H. J., Mchau, D. (2017): Developing community-based food security criteria in rural Tanzania. Food Security 9, 6, 1285-1298.
- Sieber, S., Graef, F., Amjath-Babu, T. S., Mutabazi, K. D., Tumbo, S. D., Faße, A., Gomez Y Paloma, S., Rybak, C., Ndah, H. T., Uckert, G., Schuler, J., Grote, U. (2017): Introduction to a special issue: regional food and nutritional security in Tanzania - methods, tools and applications (Editorial). Food Security 9, 6, 1143-1145
- Sieber, S., Graef, F., Amjath-Babu, T. S., Mutabazi, K. D., Tumbo, S. D., Faße, A., Gomez Y Paloma, S., Rybak, C., Ndah, H. T., Uckert, G., Schuler, J., Grote, U. (2017) Introduction to a special issue: regional food and nutritional security in Tanzania - methods, tools and applications (Editorial). Food Security 9, 6, 1143-1145.
- Uckert, G., Hafner, J., Graef, F., Hoffmann, H., Kimaro, A., Sererya, O., Sieber, S. (2017): Farmer innovation driven by needs and understanding: building the capacities of farmer groups for improved cooking stove construction and continued adaptation. Environmental Research Letters 12, 12, Article 125001.
Publications of the year 2018
- Bonatti, M., Homem, L. H. I. R., Graef, F., Mbwana, H. A., Rybak, C., Lana, M., Sieber, S. (2017) Social organization, constraints and opportunities for kitchen garden implementation: ScalA and ScalA-FS assessment tools in Morogoro and Dodoma, Tanzania. Food Security 9, 6, 1299-1308
- Brüntrup, M., Schwarz, F., Absmayr, T., Dylla, J., Eckhard, F., Remke, K., Sternisko, K. (2018) Nucleus-outgrower schemes as an alternative to traditional smallholder agriculture in Tanzania – strengths, weaknesses and policy requirements. Food Security 10 (4), 807-826.
- Graef, F. , Hernandez, L.E.A., König, H.J. ; Uckert, G. , Mnimbo, M.T. 2018: Systemising gender integration with rural stakeholders’ sustainability impact assessments: A case study with three low-input upgrading strategies. Env. Impact Ass. Research 68: 81-89
- Graef, F. and Sieber, S. 2018: Cultural background, gender, and institutional status have an effect on the evaluation of multi-disciplinary participatory action research. PLOS ONE
- Graef, F., Mutabazi, K.D., Sieber, S. et al. 2018: Multi-Disciplinary North-South Collaboration in Participatory Action Research on Food Value Chains: a German-Tanzanian Case Study on Perceptions, Experiences and Challenges. Syst Pract Action Res
- Graef, H., Kiobia, D., Saidia P., Kahimba F., Graef F. & Eichler-Löbermann B. 2018: Combined effects of biochar and fertilizer application on maize production in dependence on the cultivation method in a sub-humid climate. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, online.
- Hafner, J., Uckert, G., Graef, F., Hoffmann, H., Kimaro, A. A., Sererya, O., Sieber, S. (2018) A quantitative performance assessment of improved cooking stoves and traditional three-stone-fire stoves using a two-pot test design in Chamwino, Dodoma Tanzania. Environmental Research Letters 13, 2, Article 025002.
- Herrmann, R., Nkonya, E., Faße, A. (2018) Food value chain linkages and household food security in Tanzania. Food Security 10 (4), 827-839.
- Hoffmann, H., Uckert, G., Rybak, C., Graef, F., Sander, K., Sieber, S. (2018) Efficiency scenarios of charcoal production and consumption - a village case study from Western Tanzania. Food Security 10, 4, 925-938.
- Kissoly, L., Anja Faße and Ulrike Grote (2018) Implications of Smallholder Farm Production Diversity for Household Food Consumption Diversity: Insights from Diverse Agro-Ecological and Market Access Contexts in Rural Tanzania. Horticulturae, 4(3), p. 14.
- Kuntosch, A. and König. B. (2018) Linking system perspectives with user perspectives to identify adoption barriers for food security innovations for smallholder farmers - evidence from rural Tanzania. Food Security: 10,4, 881–896
- Lana, M., Vasconcelos, A. C. F., Gornott, C., Schaffert, A., Bonatti, M., Volk, J., Graef, F., Kersebaum, K.-C., Sieber, S. (2018) Is dry soil planting an adaptation strategy for maize cultivation in semi-arid Tanzania? Food Security 10, 4, 897-910.
- Löhr, K., Bonatti, M., Homem, L. H. I. R., Schlindwein, S. L., Sieber, S. (2018) Operational challenges in collaborative research projects: addressing conflict multidimensionality. Kybernetes 47, 6, 1074-1089.
- Mgeni, C., Sieber, S., Amjath-Babu, T. S., Mutabazi, K. D. (2018) Can protectionism improve food security? Evidence from an imposed tariff on imported edible oil in Tanzania. Food Security 10, 4, 799-806
- Reincke, K., Elisa Vilvert, Anja Fasse, Frieder Graef, Stefan Sieber, Marcos A. Lana (2018). Key factors influencing food security of smallholder farmers in Tanzania and the role of cassava as a strategic crop, Food Security. Food Security, 10(4), pp. 911–924. doi: 10.1007/s12571-018-0814-3.
- Röschel, L., Graef, F., Dietrich, O., Schäfer, M.P., Haase, D. 2018. Individual Local Farmers’ Perceptions of Environmental Change in Tanzania. Water, 10, 525; doi:10.3390/w10040525
- Saidia, PS., Graef, F., Rweyemamu, CL., Semoka, JMR., Kimaro, AA., Mwinuka, L., Mutabazi, KD., and Sieber, S. (2018). Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Micro-doses on Maize and Its Effect on Profitability: An Evidence from Sub-humid Farming Systems, Tanzania. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade 21 (9): 1-10. DOI: 10.9734/JEMT/2018/44157.
- Saidia, PS., Rweyemamu, CL., Asch, F., Semoka, JMR., Kimaro, AA., Germer, J., Graef, F., Lagweni, P., Kahimba, F. and Chilagane, E. (2018). Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus micro-doses on maize growth and yield in a sub-humid tropical climate. Annals of Biological Research 9(2): 20 - 35.
- Scheid, A., Hafner, J., Hoffmann, H., Kächele, H., Sieber, S., Rybak, C. (2018) Fuelwood scarcity and its adaptation measures: an assessment of coping strategies applied by small-scale farmers in Dodoma region, Tanzania. Environmental Research Letters 13, 9, Article 095004.
- Schröter, B., Sattler, C., Graef, F., Chen, C., Delgadillo, E., Hackenberg, I., Halle, E. M., Hirt, A., Kubatzki, A., Matzdorf, B. (2018) Strengths and weaknesses of the Net-Map tool for participatory social network analysis in resource management: experience from case studies conducted on four continents. Methodological Innovations 11, 2.
- Sieber, S., Amjath-Babu, T. S., Reidsma, P., König, H. J., Piorr, A., Bezlepkina, I., Müller, K. (2018) Sustainability impact assessment tools for land use policy advice: A comparative analysis of five research approaches. Land Use Policy 71, 75-85
- Sieber, S., Graef, F., Amjath-Babu, T. S., Mutabazi, K. D., Tumbo, S. D., Faße, A., Gomez y Paloma, S., Rybak, C., Lana, M., Ndah, H. T., Uckert, G., Schuler, J., Grote, U. (2018) Trans-SEC’s food security research in Tanzania: from constraints to adoption for out- and upscaling of agricultural innovations. Food Security 10, 4, 775-783.
- Silungwe, R. F., Graef, F., Bellingrath-Kimura, S. D., Tumbo, D. S., Kahimba, C. F., Lana, M. (2018) Crop upgrading strategies and modelling for rainfed cereals in a semi-arid climate - a review. Water 10, 4, Article: 356.
- Vilvert, E., Lana, M., Zander, P., Sieber, S. (2018) Multi-model approach for assessing the sunflower food value chain in Tanzania. Agricultural Systems 159, 103-110.
- Wambura, F. J., Dietrich, O., Graef, F. (2018) Analysis of infield rainwater harvesting and land use change impacts on the hydrologic cycle in the Wami River basin. Agricultural Water Management 203, 124-137.