UPS fact sheets Upgrading strategy Title UPS 1a Rainwater harvesting for improving smallholder farmer’s sole and intercrop yields under a rain-fed farming system UPS 1b Fertilizer Micro-dosing for increasing yields under sole and intercropping systems for rural stakeholders UPS 2 Pyrolysis for energy and biochar production in rural areas UPS 3 Improved maize sheller and millet thresher machines for reducing human labor in rural areas UPS 4 Improved wood supply on-farm, education and tree planting: Wood supply and environmental sustainability in rural communities UPS 5 Using Improved Firewood Cooking Stoves and its Implications for rural livelihoods in Tanzania UPS 6 Sunfl ower processing for high quality cooking oil UPS 7 Optimized storage for earning better prices and for improved grain quality UPS 8 Poultry-crop integration for enhanced rural income and food security UPS 9 Mobile integrated Market Access System (m-IMAS) UPS 10 Household centered nutrition training and kitchen gardens of green leafy vegetables for improved dietary diversity and family health UPS 11 How does gender infl uence participation in food securing upgrading strategies
UPS fact sheets Upgrading strategy Title UPS 1a Rainwater harvesting for improving smallholder farmer’s sole and intercrop yields under a rain-fed farming system UPS 1b Fertilizer Micro-dosing for increasing yields under sole and intercropping systems for rural stakeholders UPS 2 Pyrolysis for energy and biochar production in rural areas UPS 3 Improved maize sheller and millet thresher machines for reducing human labor in rural areas UPS 4 Improved wood supply on-farm, education and tree planting: Wood supply and environmental sustainability in rural communities UPS 5 Using Improved Firewood Cooking Stoves and its Implications for rural livelihoods in Tanzania UPS 6 Sunfl ower processing for high quality cooking oil UPS 7 Optimized storage for earning better prices and for improved grain quality UPS 8 Poultry-crop integration for enhanced rural income and food security UPS 9 Mobile integrated Market Access System (m-IMAS) UPS 10 Household centered nutrition training and kitchen gardens of green leafy vegetables for improved dietary diversity and family health UPS 11 How does gender infl uence participation in food securing upgrading strategies
Trans-SEC is sponsored by BMBF and co-financed by BMZ COOPERATIONS Globe Projects Hortinlea and Trans-SEC cooperation Exchange & Partners Wami/Ruvu Basin Water Office MORE